Läst 1722 ggr
7/17/14, 9:27 PM

Till oss alla

Jag får ju mina tarot kort på mailen och idag var det ett finfint kort som kom. Passade som handen i handsken efter min lilla dipp i början på veckan.

Just nu så insåg jag att det var till ALLA oss ❤️🤗❤️( förutom dom som redan passerat detta stadie…inga namn ..😉)

The Nine of Wands comes to call to remind you that everything you, need you have…within. Your journey has been long, there has been much to overcome, and much joy. You on the final stretch, and still it feels as if you will not make it, there are new obstacles, and doubts. The nine of wands brings you strength and determination. The nine of wands reminds you that you are on path and to let your heart lead the way. You are surrounded by love and you need only ask for what you need and be open to receive. Help is always here when you ask for it. The nine of wands also requires you to look deep within, to let go of the fear and to trust in your soul, to trust in your heart, you know the way. 

You have been working very hard to reach your goal. There has been many setbacks and many victories. Along the way you have shed many illusions and open yourself to new ways of thinking and seeing. You have expanded so much that you hardly recognize the person you were when all this began. This has been the ride of your life in so many ways. You have come to know so much about yourself, you have remembered that you are the creator of your life and you have all you need. At this time you are growing tired, doubt keeps cropping up as new obstacles appear. The nine of wands appears to assure you that you are on path, steady the course, and full steam ahead. You have come so far….don't give up now!

Step back and look around. you will see you are surrounded by love. You will see the long path you have traveled and remember that at one time you would have found it hard to believe you would be where you are right now. But here you are, you are releasing limitations, you are releasing fear, you are opening yourself up to your true potential… are tapping into your truest self. You know that there is no wrong way and that everything that happens is only happening to take you to your greatest good. You know that you have what you need, you know you have what it takes. You are a champion….it is time to roar!!! Get big, get bright, and know without doubt you will find what you seek.

Remember in this season of transition when darkness is moving in, to look for your light, to look within. This is the time to remember that what you seek, really what you seek is peace, harmony, laughter, love, abundance, bliss. And all of these gifts are found within….that is where your answers are. Also, remember that when doubt and fear rise up to call on help, the help of your angels, of your family, and your friends. We are all here to help one another. Allow yourself to receive. There is always help when you ask.

The doorway is right there. And while you may feel there is something blocking the way, look again, and look within. Is it an obstacle or an opportunity? Either way you will find your way through, the door awaits; and you will travel through. Stay true to you, stay clear and focused, you are on path! Enjoy the ride!!!

Today's meditation:

Find a comfortable position and relax. Focus all your attention on your breath. Tell your mind it is "no mind time" and let it be still.

Repeat to yourself out loud

" I AM worthy of love, abundance, success, happiness and fulfillment."

Say this 108 times.( use a mala or set a timer for 10 minutes)

Allow yourself to be fully present to the words, to their vibration, to their meaning. If your thoughts stray, simply bring yourself back to the affirmation. Enjoy!

Medarbetare, Law Of Attraction iFokus

7/17/14, 11:02 PM

Åh du anar inte hur underbart det här är att läsa. Tack för att du delar! ❤️🤗🌺☀️

Jag har ju utmanat mig själv att bara skriva neutralt eller good feeling här inne den här veckan men boy, har jag haft mycket inombords.. ett mörker mörkare än mörkast. Och jag behöver precis de här orden nu!! Och jag vet innerst inne allt det här och det är därför det är så skönt att få läsa det ❤️❤️❤️HjärtaHjärtaHjärtaHjärtaHjärtaHjärtaHjärtaHjärtaHjärtaHjärtaHjärtaHjärta

Och så sitter jag och lyssnar på en låt som Crinalina delade på FB idag, och jag också sen, som jag inte kan sluta lyssna på.. och allt bara förstärker varandra och jag sitter och vill brista ut i gråt!! Fast mitt ex sitter bredvid mig just nu så jag gör inte det, hehe… men åh… jag delar videon här bara för det.. det hör ju inte alls till topicen egentligen så jag hoppas det är okej. Det är ju en underbar låt och kan kanske passa på något sätt 😍

Maria, sajtvärd på Ryssland , medarbetare på Law of Attraction och Film
Kluring om Ryssland

7/17/14, 11:09 PM

Anade att den skulle passa dig oxå;)

Medarbetare, Law Of Attraction iFokus

7/18/14, 12:08 AM

" I AM worthy of love, abundance, success, happiness and fulfillment."

Tack Otroulig!

You are the Creator of YOU, not of things...If you Create the YOU that you want to be everything else will fall in place.


7/18/14, 7:30 AM

Såg en video med en kvinna jag nu glömt namnet på igår som talade om just vår inställning. Om vi bor i landet "och" eller i "eller" - inser vi att vi kan ha allt eller tror vi att vi måste välja. Ska absolut testa den här övningen. Thanx love! ♡

7/18/14, 9:00 AM

Oooh så bra grejor!! HJÄRTAN!!

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